Obligation to publish in the Commercial Registry

    If you are the owner of a commercial corporation and you handle certain financial turnover, you are legally obliged to publish financial statements or audits in the Commercial Registry. It is also known as the “black Hole”.
    registr na klávese
    How does the whole procedure work?
    It depends on the type of company you own, but if you use the most common type, which is a limited liability company, we are talking about 2 basic options here.That is, if your company has a turnover of up to 100 thousand crowns, then financial statements prepared by a better accountant are enough. Of course, it all depends on the specific case, you need to constantly check the information with the appropriate specialist.
    The financial statements consist of annual accounts, profit and loss accounts, Statements of Financial flows and Statements of Changes in Capital, and notes to the financial statements. These documents are prepared in cooperation with accountants, because they need to provide documents for the entire calendar year, or for the period during which the financial statements are prepared.
    Support Documents
    The entire set of documents must then be submitted to the relevant registry court.This depends on the registered office of the company, perhaps the nearest regional or city court. You can choose one of the following 3 steps:
    1)Personal service– Ask the accountant to print the document or arrange it yourself and bring the entire file to the registry of the competent court. Today it is already used to a minimum, since it is necessary to re-convert the entire folder to electronic form.
    2)in the mail [24プ Less used, as in the case before sending the document by mail
    3)in the data box– by electronic means – is likely to use electronic signatures and is obliged to set up the data box, so the procedure is clear Upload the document to the data box and send it to the outgoing mail Clearly mark your own identification number and after receiving the receipt, everything will be done.
    kalkulačka na rozpočtu
    If the obligation to publish financial statements or audits is not complied with, the court may, upon request, file a liquidation, a procedural tool for removing the so-called dead souls of the company.