Are you suffering from unbearable heat and looking in vain fora surefire wayto cool down? If cold drinks and air conditioning are no longer useful and swimming pools are too far away, it\’s time to start thinking about swimming pools in any form. Just think about the possibility of refreshing yourself whenever you think of it! After a hard and exhausting day at work, what could be more gratifying than clear, cold water?

There are many bathing facilities to choose from, depending on personal preference, available funds, or the size and layout of the property.
Each of these models has its own specifics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, one should consider one\’s expectations and, above all, one\’s options.
Ground models
include inflatable, plastic, or metal structures covered with foil. Their main advantage is that they are inexpensiveand for many, that may be the most important factor in their decision. It also requires no extensive preparation and is not difficult to install at all. The only thing to take care of is to create a truly level substrate, free of sharp edges or uneven surfaces.
Underground pools [36] are the most costly, [37] but have the advantage of longevity [38] and considerable resistance to damage. Another advantage is that they can be roofed and used even in cold weather. However, the necessary construction of the yard and the use of heavy equipment must be considered when installing them. Embedded types are available in concrete, laminate, sheet metal, and plastic.
[41] Semi-enclosed [42] is a compromise between the two above and is the best solution when [43] sloping [44] lots must be addressed [45].